Thursday, April 02, 2009

Keira's 1st Shark's Game 3/28/09

After Nolan's Birthday party we took Keira to her 1st ever NHL game. First sporting event for that matter. Of course it would be a Shark's game! They faced off against the Phoenix Coyotes and won the game 3-2. Keira was really into it in the 1st period, but with no scoring she got bored quickly. By the 2nd period she fell asleep as 4 goals were scored, 2 by each team. Somehow she managed to sleep right through it. I think she had fun, just the time change set in from flying in the afternoon before. It was fun seeing all of our friends from the row behind us and teaching Keira how to do a proper chomp on the power play.

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Nolan's 2nd Birthday - 3/28/09

This past Saturday we were fortunate enough to get some time off of work to fly into California and celebrate Nolan's 2nd Birthday! We had really great weather this year and were able to take advantage of it. His theme was Cars and I must give credit to my Sister and Jeff as they went all out with the decor and the cake! Great food as well!
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Keira's 5th Birthday - 3/10/09

Hard to believe 5 years have gone by already, but they have. Keira celebrated her 5th Birthday on the 10th of March. We had both sides of the family over for celebrations. This year her theme of choice was Bolt. Complete with a bolt cake and decorations and a wonderful banner by her talented dad and his friends at PPC :) Among the gifts she got her first big power wheels car which mom & dad can't wait to get upstairs and out of the basement as soon as the warm weather arrives!
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