Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween 2008

This Halloween was a lot of fun. Christie and I both had half days from work. In the early afternoon we took Keira in costume to a parade at Toys 'R Us where they did a lap around the store and handed out goodies to the kids. Although, Keira wanted nothing to do with Geoffery the Giraffe in costume. In the evening I put up the finishing touches to our Halloween decor and handed out candy. Christie and Keira went out Trick Or Treating and she came back with a full bucket of candy. Good times! Hope you all had a great Halloween!
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Carving Pumpkins 10/30

Is there anything better than carving pumpkins? If you answered yes, then please comment and tell me what's better! Anyways, Thursday evening Keira and I carved pumpkins for Halloween. This year Keira got a bit more confident with the process wanting to finally clean out her own pumpkin. She loves going crazy on them with a sharpie although we tend to not use that art for the final cuts. The final results are in the bottom right of the collage, she made the small one and I did the large Oogie Boogie.
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Keira's Pre-School Halloween Party 10/30

This past Thursday October 30th Keira's Pre-School held their Halloween party. Christie was able to work from home and get some great pictures of the events. Keira's costume this year was Princess Jasmine (are we running out of princess' yet?). Christie sewed the cape with the help of my Mom earlier in the month when they were here. At school they had a little parade and sang songs. The shot of Keira and the little witch is classic. The shot of Keira with her new friend Emma as Princess Aurora I like as well.
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Take your daughter to stores you've designed day.

OK, so it's not a real day on the calendar. I remember when I was a kid around Christmas time my Mom would load up my sister and I and we would drive up to my Dad's work for their Christmas party. My Dad was always happy to have us there and introduce us to everyone.

Well, now that I'm a Dad its a little tougher to explain to Keira what I do at my job. Its easier to now show her the stores I've worked on. Since every WFM has a stellar prepared foods area we always wind up eating at these stores when we go. So given that she refers to these stores as "Daddy's restaurants".

The best feeling in the world was giving her a tour of Rochester one day after the install crews had ended their shift. The store was still under construction as I walked her through it she asked "wow Dad you built this store??" I explained to her that no, Daddy was only responsible for working on what the store would look like.

The upper shot is of her at Rochester October 5th when my Mom & Dad were here as well. It was cool to show them what I do as well! The lower shot if of her having lunch with me in the dining area at West Bloomfield. She loves their hearth oven pizza!

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